Monday, August 20, 2007

Attorney General Gonzales

White House spokesman Tony Snow says that all that the investigation into the fired prosecutors has gotten us is "bupkis." Yes, if bupkis is what you call the U.S. Attorney General when he is squirming on the hot seat and causing this country untold humiliation and all his political supporters just carry on as if nothing is happening.

Snow also has said that the inquiries are “political theater” and amount to nothing more than “character assassination.” For the six years that the Republicans had control of the entire government, they pursued an agenda designed to benefit what they consider to be the only Americans - people that voted for them - the millions and millions of other people were nonexistent.

Somebody should inform these people that there are others out here who have been paying attention and we do not find anything entertaining, at all, about the disgrace these people have brought upon this country – our country, not just “their” country.

This administration cannot be allowed to get away with bringing down the U.S. Department of Justice. Period. They either fork over their witnesses and make them talk or go after Bush and Cheney.

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