Monday, August 20, 2007

This Administration Is A Disgrace

This administration is a disgrace. Plain and simple. I can’t read the paper anymore without turning away; it’s like bad medicine. Thousands of construction projects in Iraq have been refused by the Iraqi national government because Iraq still does not have even the barest bones of a civilization.

Jonah Goldberg recently wrote a relatively heartfelt column of which I must say I largely do agree, except for the politics. The problem is that the only alternative given to withdrawal is the status quo. Until now, the troops and their families are the only ones who have carried the burden and I think if we are to stay it will take an investment on a monumental scale to even have a chance of attaining the kind of success envisioned by the war’s authors. Moreover, I will be the first one to say that the American people, all of them, are indebted to the Iraqi people for that monumental sacrifice.

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